Tuesday, December 18, 2007

'Tis A Twos-Sided Coin...

As I mentioned previously, Silver 's affects upon the human body fall under two categories: The Good, and the Bad & Ugly.

In the case of Argyria, I've discovered a wonderful Public Health Statement from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (talk about a mouth ful). You can access the .pdf file from the list of links to the right. It covers the dangers of silver quite thoroughl;, from entering the body through the digestive tract or skin, to some data concerning tests with various lab animals. A research essay from American Biotech Labs covers Argyria as well, and puts down some apparent misinformation. I'm still on the search for the exact chemical reaction that causes the discoloration. I believe that, while this isn't as prominant and recent as I'd like, it's still an interesting contrast to the good role silver has been playing in medicine.

On the positive side, Silver is being used all over the medical world in a positive manner. AcryMed's SilvaGuard is a cheaper, more efficient way to prevent disease through medical equipment. As MRSA continues to be a topic of interest, I'll do my best to follow treatments regarding silver.

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