Sunday, December 2, 2007

After doing some research...

I have discovered a wide variety of things, which can be found through the related links at the bottom of this page. I posted a link to a site which covers Silver's basics, from atomic weight to isotopes. Did you know the word Silver is derived from the Old English Seolfor? I didn't. Then, I dove into the realm of Nanotechnology and Nano-Silver. I previously did not know that Silver was widely used for medicinal purposes. As nanotechnology grows, so does silver's role in preventing a number of diseases. I've discovered an article concerning the Staph infection and how silver can"cure" it. Of course, this is an article (I linked to it below), and will definitely look further into it, considering all this MRSA stuff thats been in the media recently. I also read something about silver and fighting eczema.

Then I discovered, thanks to Julia, how colloidal silver causes Argyria: a condition the could possibly turn one's skin a bluish-grey/silvery tinge due to ingesting silver. Kind of creepy and reminiscent of Goldfinger...ok, not really...But I'll look further into that as well.

On a less related note, we all know that werewolves can be killed with a silver bullet. But, did you know of the theatre superstition that states that blue is unlucky for an actor to wear onstage? So, one must wear something silver to counter the bad luck. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure that my costume in Absurdities had some blue in it. Anyone there the final night? Let's just say that there was a bit of an issue concerning the pre-set wires. :D Should've worn something silver...

1 comment:

gealina said...

That's very cool. I've heard of that Argyria thing... but i didn't remember that it was caused by silver, much less colloidal silver. (btw, what does colloidal mean?)